Who Are These People?


Keith Fast, while looking for a career change in 1995, started an IT support company (some might say, on accident). While Time &Material in those days, he made the migration to Managed Services in the mid 2000's. After running the successful IT business for 22 years, decided to sell in 2018 and move to the North Cascades. Now he works as a consultant enabling business success through smart uses of technology and helping on their cloud migration journey. His passion is developing and evangelizing Security Best Practices, not only for businesses, but also working with peers to hone and reimagine their service offerings.


  • Your integrity is the only thing you own in this world. It is yours alone to build and maintain. Everything else in this life can be taken away.

  • Your most important asset you will ever have is your people. Treat them well, support them, respect them, encourage them, and protect them.

  • Never take a client for granted. Be their advocate, be a part of their success. To the extent you can facilitate their success, you will find yours.

  • Execute Well – It is a core value in our organization and we teach it every opportunity we get. Our success exists because execution beats profit every time. If your not making a profit, it’s because someone is not executing well (which might be your sales team).

  • Client Experience matters – Part of executing well, but extends through the entire experience. Sales, service, billing, scheduling, follow up, communications, all of these needs to be present for the client experience to be amazing. One part of the team misses it, and the entire client experience is at risk. Not had a referral in a while? Time to do some investigation.

    The payoff for all that effort? A great client experience allows for premium pricing, which they are happy to spend.  Profit is what happens when you execute all the things in the list well. Not making any money? Work through the values above and find out where you need to do more work.

All images on this website where taken in the Lake Wentachee area by Keith Fast